Why nobody does it?

This is the question that started the project. Actually, poor African farmers do it at a small scale, with a high labor associated cost. They do not have the technology that we can build.

Some objections:

– termites are hard to grow (many fans and some companies and research institutions do it regularly).

– termites can escape and be dangerous (not with good containment and safety practices)

– termites can give bad taste to chicken meat (unlikely – unfounded)

– termites are disgusting and the public will reject them (this concept will soon disappear after the fears prove unfounded)

– termites grow slowly (also does grain)

– termites will be an expensive way to feed chicken (previous experiments prove it is cheaper, and much cheaper at industrial scale; termites require very little care or supplies).

– nobody does it because nobody did it (so, I/we would be the first)